ISE1 Learning Journey :D

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Hands-on Project 1-3

Homepage of Secunia

List of programs covered

Screenshots while doing the scan



As many software vendors does not have the function of being able to notify the user of the security updates each month, this causes a lot of applications to remain unpatch. Hence increasing the number of malware present in our computer.

Being users ourselves, in order to keep our computers secure, we need to use online software scanner like Secunia, to detect the unpatch applications in our computer and provide us with the instructions to fix the certain application. Therefore this decreases the chances of our computer crashing due to these unpatch applications.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hands-on Project 1-2

Advanced Searching on Google

Document with login name and password

Keywords to google during hacking of passwords

Nowaday, login name and passwords can be easily found just by searching on search engines like Google. Hence we will need to download software like Kaspersky Password Manager etc to further secure our personal information like passwords, photos,credit card numbers other private data, if not important accounts like our own personal banking account may just get hacked and the money inside will be stolen which might lead to other consequences.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Hands-on Project 1-1

Search for videos on RSS

Tutorial video on RSS found on Youtube

Screenshot of Security Incite viewed from Google Reader

Screenshots of the article found on other website
(because i couldn't find any article which i think is related to today's security attack on the given website)

Source :


A user may just download a simple programme that seems harmless to the computer, but in actual fact the programme may contain concealing malware like trojan horses. And when the programme is being installed, the trojan horse will scan the computer for information like password or credit card numbers and transmit it to a third party. Therefore causing the user's private information to be leaked out without having the user's acknowledgment.